© m-soft 2013
In order to keep your privacy
intact, keep your classified
information, confidential data
safe, use an application you
trust. Do you think there is no
such existing? Well, read
further then!
You can trust nobody !
The Secret can only be a Secret and only could
be safe when only one person knows about it.
If you are a natural person (not a legal person or a business
...Have you ever learnt that your treasured secrets were
stolen and they are in the wrong hands? Did you found
sending messages unsafe on the internet? Has a third party
read your e-mail? Were your passwords, codes and
confidential data stolen?
If you are an Executive of a company...
...Has it ever happened that unauthorized persons snatched
your confidential commercial information? Did they broke
your codes and hacked your computer system? Did they
steal the classified description of your new product?
If you are a leader of a government of a country...
...Have you ever found yourself in an awkward position,
because of leaked secrets? Was your phone tapped?
N O ?
Well, then the information bellow is NOT for you!
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Update: 2013.09.07